Grey Cranes morning at Lac Du DerSandhill Cranes in the morning sky at Lac du Der

Birdwatching Celebrating the arrival of Common Cranes! with your family

Meet the Cranes at Lac du Der in Champagne

During the day, which began very early in the morning, the P’tite Famille Baroudeuse took advantage of numerous tips for observing Common Cranes.

Published on 31 October 2023
P'tite Famille BaroudeuseP'tite Famille Baroudeuse
©P'tite Famille Baroudeuse
La P'tite Famille Baroudeuse

Advice, tips, photos and immersive stories from our stays in France and around the world.

On October 26, 2023, the Ptite Famille Baroudeuse went to Lac du Der in Champagne to observe the Common Cranes during the Fête de la Grue et de la Migration, an event celebrating the arrival of the emblematic bird on the territory.

Delighted with her day’s experience, she tells us in detail about this “crane-raising” event, and offers invaluable advice for all birdwatchers.