Les Légendes du Lac is the story of the Black Prince, who thinks he’s going to meet the Lady of the Lake.
Following this chance encounter, the Black Prince is given the daunting task of searching for the Ark of the Covenant, which, according to legend, may be hidden in the Oriental Forest. Accompanied by his shameless general, the two decide to set off in search of this fabulous treasure. But surprise! At the same time, Dame Constance, eager for adventure, and Hugues de Payns, knight of merit, also decide to embark on their quest.
Attempts at manipulation and the traps set by the witch will lead our 2 clans into a merciless confrontation.
Which of the two clans will be the bravest to continue the quest? It’s up to you to find out!
Légendes du Lac is a clever blend of poetry and humor. This medieval show takes you back in time to the age of knights, for an unforgettable experience with your loved ones.