A comedy show featuring equestrian stunts, fights, pyrotechnic effects and breathtaking action.Here we go again! The new season of Légendes du Der is launched!
A sunset with our knights Hugues de Payns and Godefroy de Saint-Omer, along with their faithful steeds and acolytes. Catering, bar and on-site ticket office await you.Shows at weekends and from Wednesday to Sunday from 13 July.More information, dates and bookings on the website
A sunset with our knights Hugues de Payns and Godefroy de Saint-Omer, along with their faithful steeds and acolytes. Catering, bar and on-site ticket office await you.Shows at weekends and from Wednesday to Sunday from 13 July.More information, dates and bookings on the website
Base rate
Reduced rate
Reduced rate
Reduced rate
Base rate
Opening times
From 22 June 2024 until 25 August 2024 -