Lac du Der Tourist OfficeLac du Der Tourist Office
©Lac du Der Tourist Office|Pascal Bourguignon


Published on 5 September 2024


This website is published by the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne. The aim of this site is to provide you with quality information to help you prepare and book your stay or your tour.

Despite the care taken in the creation of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information and documents presented. If you notice any errors or malfunctions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

For any suggestions or information concerning this site, you can write to us by post or by email at :

Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne
1 Bis rue de la Cachotte
Station Nautique
tel. 03 26 72 62 80

This site is registered with Atout France under number IM 051100017

SIRET no.: 316 741 453 00013 / APE code: 7990Z
Guarantor : Atradius – 159 rue Anatole France – 92596 LEVALLOIS-PERRET
Professional liability: MMA Châlons-en-Champagne

Publication manager :
MARION CHEDOZ – President of the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne

Site design and production :
Raccourci Agency
18 Boulevard Maréchal Lyautey
17000 La Rochelle
T : 05 46 28 17 17
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Website hosting :
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Website updated by :
Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne
1 Bis rue de la Cachotte
Station Nautique
tel. 03 26 72 62 80

These updates are made via the departmental database Tourinsoft, managed by theAgence de Développement Touristique de la Marne, and developed by the company Faire Savoir.

1st online date: February 13, 2019
The site is programmed in accordance with current W3C standards and complies with W3C WCAG accessibility standards for people with disabilities.


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The user acknowledges that the content of this site and its component parts are protected by intellectual property rights, and that any copy, reproduction, distribution, sale or exploitation by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. The only use permitted is for private, non-commercial purposes.

To the best of its ability, the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne ensures the sincerity and conformity of the messages and elements appearing on its website prior to distribution. In this respect, it has only a simple obligation of means, and can under no circumstances guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information and content of its site.

It does not guarantee the quality of products, information or any other elements whatsoever, presented, purchased or obtained through an advertisement or any other information or offer included in direct or indirect connection with its site.


The Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne may in no way be considered as a partner or intermediary in any economic or other relationship that may be established directly or indirectly between the user and an advertiser.

The Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without obligation, to delete, improve or correct all or part of its services or the elements appearing on its site. It does not guarantee that the services on its site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that any defects will be corrected. It also gives no guarantee and declines all responsibility in the event of the presence of viruses or any other elements likely to be harmful to the user.

The Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne will not be held responsible for any transactions (whatever they may be) that may be carried out between the user and third parties via the Lac du Der website. This applies in particular to the possibility of online booking for certain offers.


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The Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne collects personal data about visitors to the website. This data is collected when the Internet user browses the site and consults articles, when the Internet user sends a form, when the Internet user subscribes to the newsletters offered by, when the Internet user fills in the contact form. The data collected is used to provide the User with personalized services and to improve the relevance of the information offered. It is also necessary for processing and managing the User’s orders and for commercial relations between the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne and the User. Data processing is also used for information and statistical purposes.


The Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne is responsible for processing your data.

The data collected is intended for use by the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne. It may be transmitted to companies and subcontractors used by the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne to provide the services offered.


In accordance with the French Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation, individuals whose data is processed have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose, limit and port their data. You can exercise these rights by contacting the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne:


Your data will be kept for 3 years after the last unanswered request from the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne.


If, after contacting us, you feel that your rights have not been respected, you can submit a complaint online to the CNIL or by post.


All elements published on this site, including texts, photographs, computer graphics, logos, trademarks, downloadable documents, etc., constitute works within the meaning of the French Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, that may be made without the consent of their authors or assigns, is unlawful.

All reproduction rights reserved for all countries, by any process whatsoever, for the entire content of all pages of this site (text, photos, sounds and videos…).

The use of the logo and its components (colors, pictograms, fonts) by users who are not members of the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne requires prior authorization from the establishment.
Use of the logo must comply with precise technical conditions provided by the Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der en Champagne.


Collection Lac du Der – photos Pascal BOURGUIGNON ; Pascal BOURGUIGNON Déclic Editions ; 4Runners ; Pascal PHILIPPE ; Cyril PUJOL ; Véronique MONTANE ; Jean Pierre FORMET – Ville de Vitry-le-François ; service communication ville de Saint-Dizier


4Runners ; TV-iConcept ; CRT Champagne & Ardenne Tourisme ; Media Tour ; France 3 ; Ville de Saint-Dizier ; A.F.P.A.N. Montier-en-Der

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