Fishing documents

Regulations and techniques to fish with peace of mind at Lac du Der

Lac du Der en Champagne covers two départements, Marne and Haute-Marne. Regulations vary from one department to another and from one type of sector to another. Preserving the natural environment also means preserving species and respecting fishing rules, catch sizes, boats and authorized zones at defined times.

Fishing rules at Lac du Der and elsewhere

On the lake, you can fish in Haute-Marne (52) and Marne (51). The Marne river and the many tributaries and canals that run through these two departments are also ideal for fishing. So you need to be aware of the regulations in force, depending on your location.

Lac du Der is classified as a Natura 2000 area. As such, you must respect the places where you go to practice your hobby. Grassed strips are intended to protect rivers and are not roads open to vehicular traffic or parking. So don’t throw anything that could injure people or animals, and keep the area clean. Finally, take care of nature by practicing simple eco-citizen gestures like collecting your garbage.

Before you go fishing, you must have the necessary authorizations, i.e. fishing cards.
For rates and types of card, please consult the dedicated page.

Authorized fishing methods in 1st category :

  • 1 line for all

Fishing methods authorized in 2nd category :

  • 4 lines with a maximum of 2 hooks.

For all categories, the following fishing methods are authorized:

  • Vermee
  • Six crayfish scales (faggots prohibited)
  • A carafe (or bottle) with a maximum capacity of 2L for minnows and bait fish.

Lines must be set up close to the angler, mounted on a rod and fitted with 2 hooks or 3 artificial flies at most. Although the use of trolling lines is not authorized, the angler may personally move his boat using oars without lifting lines baited with live fish.

Prohibited fishing methods:

The use of the following baits and lures is not permitted:

  • Natural fish eggs, fresh, preserved or mixed with a bait composition, or artificial fish eggs, in all watercourses.
  • Fish of species whose minimum size is regulated in all watercourses
  • Fish on the national list of protected species (e.g.: Vandoise, Bouvière, Lamproie de Planer).
  • species likely to cause biological imbalances (e.g. catfish, sun perch)
  • Species not included in the list of species represented in French fresh waters (e.g. pseudorasbora, goby) in 1st category waters, maggots and other dipteran larvae during the period of the specific ban on pike and zander, fishing with live, dead or artificial fish and lures likely to capture these fish non-accidentally is prohibited in 2nd category waters.

Reminder: float-tube fishing is authorized on Lac du Der, but is prohibited on the navigable river network.

  • It is forbidden to butcher or gut any fish, leaving the waste in the lake.
  • The mutilation of fish is forbidden as it prevents any verification of size.
  • The sale of caught fish is strictly forbidden.
  • To navigate on the lake, your boat must carry a license plate and a vignette. These can be purchased from our advisors at theLac du Der Tourist Office.
  • Night fishing is forbidden both on the water and on the shore, except at carp stations reserved for this purpose.

For further information on regulations, including rings, fishing hours, No Kill and annual permits, please consult the dedicated page on the Maison des Pêcheurs website.

Size and opening period
  • Pike

    Minimum size: 65 cm
    1st category opening period: Last Saturday in April to 3rd Sunday in September
    Opening period 2nd category: From January 1st to the last Sunday in January and from the 3rd Sunday in April to December 31st.

  • Pike-perch

    Minimum size: 60 cm
    1st category opening period: Last Saturday in April to 3rd Sunday in September
    Opening period 2nd category: From January 1st to the last Sunday in January and from June 1st to December 31st.

  • Fario trout (river)

    Minimum size: 25-30 cm
    1st category opening period: 2nd Saturday in March to 3rd Sunday in September
    Opening period 2nd category: 2nd Saturday in March to 3rd Sunday in September

  • Black bass (river)

    Minimum size: 30 cm
    1st category opening period: 2nd Saturday in March to 3rd Sunday in September
    Opening period 2nd category: January 1st to December 31st

  • The carp

    For carp fishing, please consult our dedicated page

Navigation on Lac du Der is subject to regulations and requires the acquisition of certain authorizations, which are detailed below:

  • A registration plate: €7.40, valid for the life of the boat and its owner.
  • A vignette: €7.50 (2024 rate), valid for the current year. Tariff revised annually.
  • A boat with an electric motor
  • A fishing card including the “Barque and Float-tub” rate: see rates

Boats must be launched from dedicated ramps only. See the map below for the locations of these launching ramps:

When can you fish from a boat?

  • In zone B (Anse de Braucourt): you are authorized to navigate from 01/04 to 30/06.
  • In zones A, C, D, F, G and H: fishing is strictly prohibited (quiet zones and harbors).
  • Zone I (hatched area): sailing is authorized from 09/01 to 10/15 (Monday to Friday) and from 10/16 to 03/15 (Monday to Sunday).
  • Zone E: fishing from boats is prohibited from 01/10 to 28/02.

Our recommendations and sustainable practices for caring for natural environments and fish.

For fishing to remain a leisure activity that respects living species and their environment, it is essential to know the fish, their aquatic environment and to prevent pollution. This triptych remains the basis of all fishing activities.

Far from being inexhaustible, the “resource” must be monitored, replenished, fished and then released.

The practice of No Kill, also known as “grazing”, promotes sustainable, eco-responsible fishing. Releasing fish alive and in good health can be learned from experienced fishermen and fishing federations. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with a guide or the UFAPPMA.

To release a fish, whether undersized, protected or out of season, you must :

  • Keep the fight as short as possible, without tiring the fish to the point of exhaustion.
  • Handle the fish with damp hands to preserve the mucus on its scales.
  • Do not remove the fish from the water unless absolutely necessary.
  • Reduce photo-taking time to avoid asphyxiation
  • Release it into the current, holding it without moving it back and forth. If there is no current, allow the water to pass through the gills and wait for the fish to leave on its own. Don’t let go unless these conditions are met.


  • Avoid barbed hooks, preferring single hooks, preferably circular.
  • Use a landing net that’s long enough to stay in the water
  • Use a pair of pliers to unhook the hook cleanly.
  • Use a stronger line than the fish you’re after to shorten the duration of the fight.

Re-stocking is carried out regularly and fishing takes place every year to protect the resource. The emptying of the lake favors “puddling”, with some fish becoming trapped in these pools of water.

Avoid spawning areas during periods when fishing is closed.

Don’t systematically keep your catch below the quota. This will help the survival of the species and enable other anglers to continue to enjoy their hobby.

Fishing in the port of Giffaumont

It is possible to fish in the harbor in the following areas:

  • All year round → From the launch at the foot of the Maison des Pêcheurs to the right-hand port exit.
  • All year round → From the blue footbridge to the Giffaumont dike (Jet-Ski zone)
  • October 15 to March 14 → From the footbridge to the 1st pontoon at the foot of the harbor master’s office and the area between the 2 launches
  • March 15 to September 15 → on the artificial island, from the shore.

The fishermen's house an address not to be missed

If you would like to know more about fishing regulations and practices in and around Lac du Der, please contact the Maison des Pêcheurs.

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