Common TernCommon Tern
©Common Tern|L.BOUILLON

Common Tern Sterna hirundo

A slender, long-tailed bird with a pointed beak, often swooping.

All about Common Tern

Features & Description

The Common Tern, Latin for “Sterna hirundo”, is also known as the Sea Swallow. Slender and slender, this seabird is often seen on the lake, where nesting boxes have been installed.

It has two long tail feathers, a black cap on top of the head and a pronounced orange-red beak, with bright white and silver plumage on the wings.

It is often seen swooping down to capture fish swimming close to the surface.

Habitat (Biotope)

The Common Tern is a coastal seabird that can sometimes be found inland, on bodies of water such as lakes. It prefers fish-filled waters and perches where it can observe the surface of the water (buoys, rafts, small islets).

Behavior & habits

The Common Tern often flies over the water at high speed, emitting loud calls. They dive spectacularly into the water to catch small fish.

Reproduction and immature

It nests in colonies or in isolated pairs.

The nest is built on the ground, where the female lays 2 or 3 eggs.

Incubation lasts between 22 and 26 days.

The young remain in the nest for just over three weeks.

Cry or Voice

Common terns are very noisy, emitting short, sharp “kritt” sounds, rapid “kt-kt-kt-kt…” and a typical “kyerri-kyerri-kyerri…”.

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